Against all odds
Estimated population of Ile de France stands at approximately 11 million inhabitants: we can safely assume 10% of those males belong to the gay league: 550,000 men.
For the purposes of this exercise, we are only concerned with those who want to have sex with me, so let us round that figure off to a neat 500,000 distributed across one of the world’s most extensive gay scenes.
493,480,000,000 to 1! Those are the odds, gentle reader… and here are the facts:
- My only two night stand (Z) occurred in November 2006
- My best one night stand from 2006 occurred in June 2006- on 25th if you must know- without exchange of calling cards; although our paths accidentally crossed once, no further correspondence whatsoever
What are the chances of those two men, never introduced, picking each another up in a gay venue that one has never frequented… and then deciding to spend a night dancing in the same club where I will be?
Yet on Friday, shortly after I embarked on my tirade against religion in all its forms, that is exactly what happened...
It is a sign!
If there is a god, then it is beyond dispute: she is an evil twisted drag queen, with a fag danglign from her mouth as she cackles into her martini, and she worships everything that I do...
...just like you!
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