17 February 2007

Ni hao, China!

Bejing, Xian, Mudanjiang, Changsha, Jinan, Anqing, Zhongxiang... regular and irregular daily visitors from all... One confesses it is intriguing! Admittedly, one spent two months travelling in your fabulous country, but one didn't even have sexual intercourse with THAT many gay gentlemen!

While appreciating that in a population so large, it is inevitable that there will be some discerning gay gentlemen who appreciate my unique take on the world, can any of you please shed light upon what draws so many Chinese people to my humble bloguette?


Anonymous said...

Ye be simply enchanting, Me Dear. Well held.

Ms C Qrisp said...

Simply enchanting... why, thank you indeed!

Please feel at liberty to hijack my vessel anytime a little jolly swag is fancied, m'dear.

Anonymous said...

Ms C Quisp, ye be much too kind; thankee.

Ms C Qrisp said...

Kind? Moi?

In the ‘cruel to be kind’ sense, perhaps; otherwise, but let me assure you any acts of genuine kindness on my part has been quite unintentional

One suspects you haven’t read back far enough… or then again, perhaps those swashbuckling lesbian pirates types have given you some odd ideas about kindness... handling you more mercilessly than one ever dared to imagine!

Anonymous said...

Me dear One, mayhaps it be meself that handled those swashbucklin' lesbian pirates types mercilessly. An', aye, I love ye for yer cruel tongue...